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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - motion


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Перевод с английского языка motion на русский


1) движение; перемещение (см. тж movement)

2) устройство; механизм

motion per command — длина перемещения по команде, длина перемещения по одной команде (УП)

motion of rigid body about fixed axismotion of rigid body about fixed pointabsolute motion of bodyabsolute motion of particleaccelerated motionangular motionapproaching motionascensional motionaxis motionback-and-forth motionback motionbackward motionbar-link motionB axis motionbending motionbipedal motionbox link motionbulk motionCartesian motionclosed link motioncompliant motioncompound motion of particleconflicting motionsconstrained motioncontinuous motioncontrolled motioncontrolling motioncoordinated motioncoordinated axis motioncopying motioncounter motioncrank motioncreep motioncreeping motioncross motioncurvilinear motioncushioned motioncutting motiondamped harmonic motion3D-curve following motiondecelerated motiondifferential motiondiscontinuous motiondisturbed motiondown-up motiondriving motiondrop motioneccentric motioneccentric feed motioneddy motioneddying motionend-to-end motionerror motionfast motionfeed motionfine motionfour-bar motionfree motionfriction feed motiongalloping motiongenerating motiongeneration motionGeneva motionharmonic motionhelical motionhobbling motionimpulse motionin motionin-out motionin-and-out motionincreasing motionindependent axis motionin-line motionintended motioninterlocked motioninterlocked motion with the rotation of the main spindleintermittent motioninterrelated motionsinterrupted rectilinear motionirregular motionjerking motionjigging motionjoint motionlever motionlift-and-carry motionslift motionlifting motionlimited motionlimited reciprocating rectilinear motionlimited rectilinear motion and returnlimited rectilinear motion with delaylink motionlost motionmachine axis motionmain motionmicrometer motionnegative motionnonprobing axis motionnonsteady motionnonuniform motionnosing motionorbital motionoscillating motionoscillatory motionout-in motionout-and-in motionout-of-straightness motionparallel motionpendulum motionperturbed motionpitch motionpivoting motionplanet motionplanetary motionplunge motionplural axis motionpositive motionpowered motionpower traverse motionprimary motionprogrammed cutting motionprogressive motionproper motionquick motionrack motionradial error motionrapid-tool motionrapid motionrapid traverse motionreciprocating motionrectilinear motionreducing motionrelative motionrelative motion of axesrelieving motionrestricted motionresultant cutting motionretarded motionreverse motionrocking motionrolling motionrotary motionrotational motionrotatory motionscrew motionscrew-cutting motionsee-saw motionseparating motionsetting motionsideward motionsingle motionsliding motionslipping motionsmooth motionspin motionspindle radial error motionspiral motionstable motionsteady motionstick-slip motionstop motionstop and go motionstraight line motionstroke motionsurfacing motionsway motionsweeping motionswitching motionswitching-in motiontilting motionto-and-fro motiontracer motiontranslational motiontranslatory motiontransverse motiontwo-dimensional motionuncovenanted motionuncushioned motionundulatory motionunequal motionuniform motionuniform linear motionuniformly accelerated motionuniformly retarded motionunperturbed motionunsteady motionunwanted motionup-down motionupslide motionup motionupward motionvalve motionvariable motionvortex motionwasted motionwave motionW axis motionwheel infeed motionwhirling motionwithdrawal motionwobbling motionwristbend motionX axis motionyaw motionY axis motionZ axis motion

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) движение; - in motion - set in motion - put in motion  2) ход (машины и т.п.)  3) телодвижение, жест; походка  4) побуждение; of ones own motion - по собственному побуждению  5) предложение (на собрании); - motion for adjournment  6) действие (кишечника)  7) pl. кал  8) leg. ходатайство  9) obs. марионетка  2. v. показывать жестом; - motion aside - motion away MOTION aside махнуть рукой MOTION away махнуть рукой MOTION for adjournment parl. предложение о прекращении прений (для обсуждения внеочередного вопроса и т.п.) MOTION picture noun кинокартина, кинофильм ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. движение forward motion —- движение вперед perpetual motion —- вечное движение motion of translation —- физ. поступательное движение in motion —- в движении, двигаясь на ходу to put (to set) smth. in motion —- привести что-л. в движение he put the machine in motion —- он включил машину he set the plan in motion —- он приступил к осуществлению плана 2. ход (машины, часов и т. п.) the gentle rolling motion of the ship made me feel sleepy —- мягкое покачивание корабля убаюкивало меня 3. телодвижение; жест with a motion of the hand —- жестом (движением) руки an exercise in three motions —- упражнение, состоящее из трех движений to make a motion (to smb.) —- сделать знак (кому-л.), поманить (кого-л.) to make a motion towards the door —- сделать движение в направлении двери he made a motion to open the door —- он собрался (встал, что-бы) открыть дверь to watch smb.'s motions —- наблюдать за чьими-л. движениями all her motions were graceful —- во всех ее движениях сквозило изящество 4. муз. движение, ведение (голосов), голосоведение 5. побуждение of one's own motion —- по собственному побуждению 6. предложение (на собрании) to make (to propose, to move, to bring forward) a motion —- внести (выдвинуть) предложение to second a motion —- поддержать предложение to put the motion to vote, to vote on a motion —- поставить предложение на голосование to adopt (to accept, to carry) a motion —- принять...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  движение – ameboid motion – ciliary motion – flip-flop motion – gliding motion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) движение 2) ход (о машине) 3) предложение (на собрании) • - dismiss a motion - motion study - put in motion - set in motion MOTION 1) движение; ход 2) ходатайство 3) механизм – motion for preliminary injunction – motion for summary judgement – motion to dissolve – apparent motion – gamma motion – gaze motion – proper motion – relative motion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) движение 2) перемещение 3) телодвижение 4) ход almost periodic motion — почти периодическое движение axially symmetric motion — осесимметричное движение be in accelerated motion — двигаться ускоренно be in decelerated motion — двигаться замедленно canonical equation of motion — уравнение Гамильтона center of harmonic motion — центр гармонического движения conditionally periodic motion — условно периодическое движение crank picking motion — кривошипный механизм боя depth feed motion — движение подачи на глубину direction parameters of motion — направляющие движение domain wall motion — движение границ доменов forward motion of sweep — прямой ход развертки lost motion time — время холостого хода motion in a circle — движение по окружности motion in straight line — прямолинейное движение nearly parabolic motion — почти параболическое движение Newton's first law of motion — физ. закон инерции Newton's laws of motion — закон механики Ньютона Newton's second law of motion — физ. закон об ускорении и силе Newton's third law of motion — физ. закон действия и противодействия period of simple harmonic motion — период гармонических колебаний planar plane motion — плоское двумерное движение; движение в плоскости reverse motion selector — искатель обратного действия tappet eccenctric motion — эксцентриковый механизм боя target motion rate — параметр движения цели theory of Brownian motion —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  движение – adaptive motion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  движение, перемещение (кинематическое) motion in a path to set in motion accelerated motion air motion alternate motion circular motion constraint motion free motion harmonic motion helicoidal motion rotary motion of the crane slewing motion slow motion sweeping motion translatory motion uniform motion ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) движение; перемещение 2) механизм 3) подача (рабочего органа) - absolute motion - accelerated motion - air motion - alternate motion - angular motion - apparent motion - approach motion - ascending motion - atmospheric motion - autonomous spatial motion - axis motion - back-and-forth motion - backward motion - Brownian motion - cam motion - centrifugal motion - centripetal motion - centroidal motion - circular motion - collision-free motion - compliant motion - compound motion - conflicting motions - conservative motion - constrained motion - continuous motion - continuous path motion - controlled yawing motion - coordinated motion - coplanar motion - cross motion - cross-feed motion - cross-isobar motion - crowding motion - curvilinear motion - cutting motion - cyclonic motion - damped harmonic motion - decelerated motion - deproach motion - descending motion - differential motion - discontinuous motion - downslide motion - down-up motion - downward motion - driving motion - eccentric motion - eddying motion - eddy motion - end-to-end motion - engagement motion - exponential motion - fault motion - feed motion - flapping motion - flexural motion - force-controlled motion - forced motion - free motion - fretting motion - functional motion - functionally defined motion - galloping motion - Geneva motion - groundwater motion - gyroscopic motion - harmonic motion - heat motion - helical motion - hobbing motion - holding motion - image motion - imupisive motion - increasing motion - incremental motion - inertial motion - in-line motion - in-plane motion - interconnected motion - intermittent film motion - interrupted motion - irregular motion - irrotational motion - isobaric motion - jerking motion - jigging motion - jog motion - joint-interpolated motion - laminar motion - lateral motion - lever motion - lift motion - linear motion - longitudinal motion - lost motion - micro motion - nonautonomous spatial motion - nonstationary motion - nonsteady motion - nonuniform motion - offshore motion of...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the act or process of moving or of changing position. 2 a particular manner of moving the body in walking etc. 3 a change of posture. 4 a gesture. 5 a formal proposal put to a committee, legislature, etc. 6 Law an application for a rule or order of court. 7 a an evacuation of the bowels. b (in sing. or pl.) faeces. 8 a piece of moving mechanism. --v. (often foll. by to + infin.) 1 tr. direct (a person) by a sign or gesture. 2 intr. (often foll. by to a person) make a gesture directing (motioned to me to leave). Phrases and idioms go through the motions 1 make a pretence; do something perfunctorily or superficially. 2 simulate an action by gestures. in motion moving; not at rest. motion picture (often (with hyphen) attrib.) a film (see FILM n. 3) with the illusion of movement. put (or set) in motion set going or working. Derivatives motional adj. motionless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L motio -onis (as MOVE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English mocioun, from Anglo-French ~, from Latin ~-, motio movement, from movere to move  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an act, process, or instance of changing place ; movement  b. an active or functioning state or condition set the divorce proceedings in ~  2. an impulse or inclination of the mind or will  3.  a. a proposal for action; especially a formal proposal made in a deliberative assembly  b. an application made to a court or judge to obtain an order, ruling, or direction  4. obsolete  a. a puppet show  b. puppet  5. mechanism  6.  a. an act or instance of moving the body or its parts ; gesture  b. plural activities, movements  7. melodic change of pitch  • ~al adjective  • ~less adjective  • ~lessly adverb  • ~lessness noun  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1747  intransitive verb to signal by a movement or gesture the pitcher ~ed to the catcher  transitive verb to direct by a ~ ~ed me to the seat ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (motions, motioning, motioned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Motion is the activity or process of continually changing position or moving from one place to another. ...the laws governing light, sound, and motion... One group of muscles sets the next group in motion... The wind from the car’s motion whipped her hair around her head. = movement N-UNCOUNT 2. A motion is an action, gesture, or movement. He made a neat chopping motion with his hand. = movement N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. A motion is a formal proposal or statement in a meeting, debate, or trial, which is discussed and then voted on or decided on. The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly... Opposition parties are likely to bring a no-confidence motion against the government... N-COUNT 4. If you motion to someone, you move your hand or head as a way of telling them to do something or telling them where to go. She motioned for the locked front doors to be opened... He stood aside and motioned Don to the door... I motioned him to join us... He motioned to her to go behind the screen. = signal, gesture VERB: V for n to-inf, V n prep/adv, V n to-inf, V to n to-inf 5. see also slow motion, time and motion 6. If you say that someone is going through the motions, you think they are only saying or doing something because it is expected of them without being interested, enthusiastic, or sympathetic. ‘You really don’t care, do you?’ she said quietly. ‘You’re just going through the motions.’ PHRASE: V inflects 7. If a process or event is in motion, it is happening. If it is set in motion, it is happening or beginning to happen. His job as England manager begins in earnest now his World Cup campaign is in motion... Her sharp, aggressive tone set in motion the events that led to her downfall. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR, PHR after v 8. If someone sets the wheels in motion, they take the necessary action to make something start happening. I...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »MOVEMENT« the process of moving or the way that someone or something moves  (The rocking motion of the boat made Sylvia feel sick.) 2 »MOVING YOUR HEAD OR HAND« a single movement of your hand or head, especially done in order to communicate something  (He summoned the waiter with a motion of his hand.) 3 »SUGGESTION AT A MEETING« a proposal that is made formally at a meeting and then decided on by voting  (motion to do sth/motion that)  (We will now vote on the motion that membership charges should rise by 15%. | pass/carry a motion (=accept it by voting))  (The motion was carried by 15 votes to 10. | propose/put forward a motion (=make a proposal))  (I'd like to propose a motion to move the weekly meetings to Thursdays. | reject a motion (=not accept it) | motion denied (=used by a judge in a law court to refuse a suggestion by one of the lawyers)) 4 in motion formal or technical moving from one place or position to another  (a photograph of a frog in motion) 5 go through the motions to do something because you have to, even though you do not want to do it  (The mayor said he enjoyed the party, but you could see he was only going through the motions.) 6 set/put sth in motion to start a process or series of events that will continue for some time  (The Church voted to set in motion the process allowing women to be priests..) 7 in slow motion if a film is shown in slow motion, it is shown more slowly than usual so that all the actions can be clearly seen  (Let's look at that goal in slow motion.) 8 »BOWELS« especially BrE a word meaning an act of emptying your bowels, used especially by doctors and nurses  (- see also time and motion study) ~2 v to give someone directions or instructions by moving your hands  (motion (for) sb to do sth)  (The police officer motioned for me to pull over. | motion to sb to do sth)  (He motioned to her to be quiet. | motion sb in/out etc)  (I saw her motioning me into the room.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1385, from O.Fr. motion, from L. motionem (nom. motio) "a moving, an emotion," from movere "to move." The verb sense in parliamentary procedure first recorded 1747. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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